Donating appreciated real estate, such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland, ranch or commercial property can make a great gift to Morton Plant Mease Health Care Foundation.
Your real property may be given to Morton Plant Mease Health Care Foundation by executing or signing a deed transferring ownership. You may deed part or all of your real property to Morton Plant Mease Health Care Foundation. Your gift will generally be based on the property's fair market value, which must be established by an independent appraisal.
If you have any questions about gifts of real estate, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you have.
For more than 35 years, Morton Plant Mease Foundation has provided philanthropic support to the not-for-profit hospitals of Morton Plant Mease Health Care, including Morton Plant, Clearwater; Mease Dunedin; Mease Countryside, Safety Harbor and Morton Plant North Bay, New Port Richey. The close connection between the hospitals of Morton Plant Mease and their neighbors reveal a unique spirit of giving ? a relationship characterized by people caring for the hospitals that care for them.