Morton Plant Mease Foundation

Planned Giving

Free Estate Planning Guide

Are you ready to plan your will or trust? We would like to give you a FREE Estate Planning Guide. This helpful information may enable you to successfully plan your estate and avoid an accidental disinheritance. You may also ask a question in the comments section. Then plan to use our Estate Planning Guide to record your family information and your estate distribution plans.

Please enter your name and email address. Provide for and protect your family with this Estate Planning Guide.

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Electronic/PDF Estate Planning Guide

Transforming Health Care Through Philanthropy

For more than 35 years, Morton Plant Mease Foundation has provided philanthropic support to the not-for-profit hospitals of Morton Plant Mease Health Care, including Morton Plant, Clearwater; Mease Dunedin; Mease Countryside, Safety Harbor and Morton Plant North Bay, New Port Richey. The close connection between the hospitals of Morton Plant Mease and their neighbors reveal a unique spirit of giving ? a relationship characterized by people caring for the hospitals that care for them.

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